Promotion of enthusiasm for technology and innovation

German Museum

German Museum

We want to enthuse young people for the fascinating world of science and technology and motivate them to recognize the various opportunities available to them. The Deutsches Museum in Munich makes a great contribution towards this. As a founding member of the “Deutsches Museum initiative for the future,” we support the largest science and technology museum in the world and want to contribute to it in such a way that it can continue to fulfill its important educational mission in the future.

'Jugend forscht'

'Jugend forscht'

We have been supporting Germany's largest and most successful competition for young people in the field of technology and natural sciences - "Jugend forscht" - for several decades. "Jugend forscht" enables young scientists up to the age of 21 to immerse themselves in the adventure of research. They go on a journey of discovery in the various specialist areas, experience the fascination of technology, start out on expeditions into the nanoworld or explore scientific phenomena on our or other planets. The prizes to be won include money - but more importantly research visits, study tours and of course a large number of contacts for the young researchers.

In addition to promoting the annual regional heats, thyssenkrupp has already hosted a number of national competitions in cooperation with the Jugend forscht e.V. foundation.



The promotion of engineering skills begins with young talent. This is the reason why thyssenkrupp helps undergraduates to acquire practical experience in the fields of development, design and manufacturing. Against the background of increasingly scarce raw materials and the resulting pursuit of sustainable mobility solutions, the prestige thyssenkrupp SunRiser project has been launched in cooperation with the Ruhr University in Bochum: The solar car combines the wide-ranging technology expertise of thyssenkrupp with the creativity and specialist knowledge of young engineers.

Furthermore, thyssenkrupp supports the Formula Student construction design competition, in which students demonstrate the Formula racing car to a specialist jury in disciplines such as racing performance, energy efficiency or cost planning. Here too, the students acquire experience with respect to the sustainable mobility of tomorrow.