Martina Merz

Chief Executive Officer

  • thyssenkrupp (China) Ltd., PR China (Chairwoman)
  • SAF-Holland SA, Luxembourg
  • Volvo AB, Sweden

Oliver Burkhard

  • thyssenkrupp Marine Systems GmbH (Chairman)
  • thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
  • PEAG Holding GmbH (Chairman)

Dr. Klaus Keysberg

  • thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH (Chairman)
  • thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG (Chairman)
  • thyssenkrupp Materials (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., PR China
  • thyssenkrupp North America, LLC, USA (Chairman)
  • Leong Jin Corporation Pte. Ltd., Singapur
  • Membership of comparable German and non-German control bodies of business enterprises within the meaning of Art. 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)
  • Membership of statutory supervisory boards within the meaning of Art. 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)

Memberships of other statutory supervisory boards within the meaning of Art. 125 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) are listed under "Other directorships held by Executive Board members" (as of September 30, 2020) on page 262 of the 2019/2020 Annual Report.